After experiencing a decade and a half of redundancy in enterprise user access authorization workflows, Abhishek K Bansal created Autharva, an innovative identity access governance and administration platform that leverages artificial intelligence to optimize enterprise user access rights. Autharva is the solution to the pervasive challenges of overprovisioning and underprovisioning enterprise user access rights.


What is Autharva?

Autharva’s identity governance and administration platform is based on the patent-pending technology of “Need-Based Access Control,” which ensures that enterprise users are only granted the minimum, necessary access, achieving an ideal balance between security requirements and operational efficiency, at less than half the cost! The Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP) is at the heart of Autharva’s platform. It adaptively recommends access provisioning and de-provisioning for human and nonhuman identities based on the changes in business drivers and compliance policies.

A Future-Forward Solution

Organizations often face the challenge of striking a balance between giving their users too much or too little access to their critical systems. By allocating too much access to enterprise users, organizations expose themselves to a major risk of coexisting with a large threat surface area, waiting for a data breach to happen anytime. Underprovisioning of user access can lead to a serious disruption to their business continuity. 

Traditional user access provisioning workflows are often complex, costly, and reactive. Some common pitfalls can be the human errors caused by manually providing access control, or the failure to assign appropriate access due to:

  • Opaque, out-of-compliance, and redundant role definitions
  • Remote workforce allocation
  • Immature nonhuman access workflows

Autharva combats AI with AI. Autharva’s intelligent access recommendation engine adaptively assigns an ideal access range to the enterprise's human and nonhuman users. Autharva’s platform could be used to enforce efficient, proactive, and simple processes for identity governance. Some of the immediate benefits provided by Autharva include:

  1. Performing User Access Reviews

Autharva automates user access reviews for legacy and modern enterprise applications to ensure that their user access control is updated, resulting in enhanced security, improved compliance, insider threat mitigation, and increased operational efficiency.

  1. Defining New Enterprise Roles from Raw Permissions to Enable Role-based Access Controls (RBAC)

Autharva continuously defines and updates enterprise roles from raw permissions to facilitate Role-based Access Controls by The Principle of Least Privilege. This solution optimizes security by simplifying access management and leaving a clear audit trail for compliance and regulatory purposes.

  1. Cleaning Up Existing Role Definitions to Optimize User Access

As personnel shift in an organization, or as new systems are added, role definitions can become misaligned quickly with the current access policies. By cleaning up all of the redundant user-to-role assignments, and by removing extra permissions from individual enterprise roles, Autharva tightens up the security of an organization, reducing the costs associated with unnecessary licenses, while ensuring that roles stay current and aligned with business objectives. 

Why We’re Partnering with Autharva

As experts in cybersecurity and compliance, we are thrilled to partner with Autharva, whose dedication to innovative identity governance strongly aligns with our mission of offering companies business-centered cybersecurity solutions. The collaboration between BD Emerson and Autharva offers a comprehensive and streamlined approach to access management for our current and future clients who are looking to revolutionize their cybersecurity infrastructure or pursue regulatory compliance. As partners, we provide the highest level of commitment to optimizing enterprise access management. 

How Autharva is Transforming Identity Governance with AI

About the author



Managing Director


Drew spearheads BD Emerson's Governance, Risk, Compliance, and Security (GRC+Sec) division, where he channels his expertise into guiding clients through the labyrinth of Information Security, Risk Management, Regulatory Compliance, Data Governance, and Privacy. His stewardship is key in developing tailored programs that not only address the unique challenges faced by businesses but also foster a culture of security and compliance.


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